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The CNRS-L Medal to Mr. Ziad Samaha (IUCN-ROWA)



The Secretary General of the National Council for Scientific Research – Lebanon, Dr. Mouin Hamzé, presents the CNRS-L Medal to Mr. Ziad Samaha (IUCN-ROWA).
“In recognition of his enthusiastic dedication, continued support and friendship to the CNRS-L, and especially the National Centre for Marine Sciences (NCMS). Within a joint commitment to marine research and the preservation of the marine environment, CNRS-L is honored by its continued collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), through its Regional Office for Western Asia (ROWA-Amman) and with the team in Beirut.”


قدم امين عام المجلس الوطني للبحوث العلمية، د. معين حمزة، ميدالية المجلس للسيد زياد سماحة (الاتحاد الدولي لحماية الطبيعة)، تكريما لجهوده ودعمه المتواصل للمشاريع التي ينفذها المركز الوطني لعلوم البحار (NCMS).