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CNRS Books

The results of research of more than 26 years have been published in the following catalogue:

Abboud-Abi Saab, M., 2008. Tintinnids of the Lebanese Coastal Waters (Eastern Mediterranean). CNRS-Lebanon/UNEP/MAP/RAC/SPA, 192pp.

This study deals with the taxonomic survey on tintinnids (Order Oligotrichida, Suborder Tintinnina) collected from the Lebanese marine waters in the Eastern Mediterranean.  A large number of Tintinnid samples have been collected from 1979 to 2007 to cover different studies in neritic and oceanic waters.
Since 1979, the author, Research Director in the National Council for Scientific Research/National Center for Marine Sciences,   had the opportunity to study a large number of microplankton samples collected from the Lebanese waters in coastal and oceanic stations for their quantitative, qualitative and ecological aspects and later have them published consecutively.

 This catalogue aims at covering all tintinnid taxa recorded so far from the Lebanese marine waters based on published and unpublished data and also providing information about the abundance and diversity of this group of ciliates. It reflects two main directives: the first one being an attempt: 1) to develop a background for biological and ecological generalities for tintinnids 2) to mention factors that influence their distribution and 3) to show the main results of studies in the Lebanese coastal waters; the second one covers a description of all taxa noted in Lebanese waters, their abundance and their distribution.

The catalogue is also designed to help young researchers and students from all Mediterranean regions to get familiarized with the different families of this group of ciliates. The Lebanese waters contain a large number of common species found in the two basins and because of their location in the direction of the general SW-NE current, they carry species both  from Atlantic origin on one hand and indopacific species from Red Sea via Suez canal on the other hand. Moreover, this catalogue is designed to fill some of the gaps existing in this part of the Mediterranean and provide answers to some questions about the distribution of these species.

Main cited references of early investigators in this field that might interest researchers are also provided. In addition, a list of intermediate and recent references is found in the bibliography at the end.

Best representative photos chosen from hundreds taken during these studies are included in this catalogue, thus making the work more useful and impressive to the reader. Moreover, most of the legends contain detailed explanation of these photos.

Marie Abboud - Abi Saab
Research Director
National  Council for Scientific Research /National Center for Marines Sciences
P.O.Box 534, Batroun
Tél: 961 6 741582/3
Fax: 961 6 741 584
E-mail: [email protected]
