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The MAB Young Scientists Awards (YSA) for 2018

    The international Coordinating Council of the MAN and the Biosphere Programme (MAB-ICC) at its 29th session on 12-15 June 2017 adopted the new criteria and conditions for the selection of the MAB Young Scientists Awards winners in order to address the Lima Action Plan (LAP) for Biosphere Reserves and relevant Wustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in applications.


   The applications for the 2018 Awards should reach the MAB Secretariat in Paris no later than 15 December 2017. This deadline should provide sufficient time to condidates to prepare their applicatons according to the new criteria and conditions. From2018 onwards, a submission deadline will be again set up by 31 October. As in previous years, all aplications must of course be endorsed and signed by the respective MAB National Committee before they are submitted to the MAB Secretariat. In countries where MAB National committee do not exist or are not fully operational, the selection on the national level will continue to be ensured by the National Commission for UNESCO of the country in question.


   For further information about the MAB Young Scientists Award Scheme, including the revised objectives and selection criteria of the Awards endorsed by the 29th session of the MAB_ICC, as well as the new application forms, will be available on the UNESCO-MABNet at the following address:

How To Apply?